Thursday, December 2, 2010

Deep calls to deep....

A while ago the Lord talked to me about going deeper.  I literally felt like he was taking me deep under the ocean- like a scuba diver.  I could feel the pressure on the top of my head as I went down.  As I was going down I felt like He was telling me to search the deep things in the people around me.  To see them from that view instead of looking at what is on the outside.  When you are down under the water you can't see what is on top.  I think this serves many purposes for me.  It stops me from "feeling" what they are thinking about me and also from being impressed with them.  I have felt God tearing down walls for me in this area.

Today, God talked to me about deep in another way.  I felt like I was under the ground, but getting ready to shoot up- like a seed finally growing a stem and pushing it's way up from the dirt, into the sun.  I think there is some "dirt" in my thinking process that He's wanting to shake off me as I come out more into His light.  Sometimes I feel caught up in the "dirt" of day to day stuff.  Especially the emotions, trials of the people around me, doubts, etc.   It begins to feel like I'm getting closed in and I need to burst forth. 

One more thought-  JOY.  It is the word of the season and I love it.  I think it's one of my favorite words.   His Joy is so perfect, so freeing.  There is nothing else like it and nothing else can take it's place.  I love drinking in the Spirit, because it brings such Joy I feel it even the next day.  I don't understand people who always cry in church.  There is a place for that, I've been there many times and still go there at times.  However, if it doesn't produce Joy in the end- I have to wonder if we really understand our own Salvation.  I mean He's done it all!!!!  He has done absolutely everything-  it makes me giddy thinking about it LOL!!!!!